Whether you'd like to attempt microwave heating on your process without investing in hardware, or whether you have to scale up to a pilot plant from the 3cm3 lab sample you ran in a laboratory microwave, then we can almost certainly help you.
We offer any of;
An ‘audit’ of existing processes to identify those that may potentially be improved by the use of microwave activation.
Laboratory scale testing of existing processes to determine whether microwaves have a beneficial effect.
Development of processes to suit microwave heating, including measurement of temperature-dependent dielectric properties.
Assistance in scaling up to pilot plant stage.
Training in the theory and practical aspects of microwave processing, in the form of 1-2 day tailored training programmes.
We have considerable expertise in microwave chemistry and its applications. We have access to fully equipped work areas with a range of microwave applicators which can be modified for almost any purpose. In addition to this, we have access to state of the art analytical apparatus for monitoring reactions or processes.
To discuss how we can help you, contact us through either
email: gavin@tan-delta.com or Tel: 0779 4361024 or Skype: gavin_whittaker